
In an IMF statement

IMF delegation resumes talks with Egypt over loan
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    An Egyptian street vendor reads…

    CAIRO (AP) — A top International Monetary Fund official has begun several more weeks of talks with Egyptian officials over the country's economic reform program to secure a $4.8 billion loan.

    In an IMF statement, top official Masood Ahmed said he welcomes Egyptian determination to move forward with their economic reform program.

    The IMF has in the past pushed for reforms in taxation and subsidies before granting loans. Egypt sees the loan as a lifeline to boost critically low foreign reserves and lure back foreign investors.

    Ahmed met with officials Sunday in Cairo, including Egypt's prime minister and the central bank governor.

    Talks were delayed in December when violent protests erupted and the president was forced to rescind austerity plans. Investors and activists demanded a national dialogue on the changes first.

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    MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — An explosives-laden car that apparently was targeting a truck full of Somali government officials instead hit a civilian car and exploded, setting a nearby mini-bus on fire and wounding people on the street and in a nearby restaurant Monday, a police officer and witnesses said.

    Flames and smoke rose over the explosion as emergency vehicles drove to the scene. The blast happened close to the Somali government's headquarters.

    Mohamed Abdi, a police officer who was injured in the blast, said it appeared that the target of the attack was a truck of Somali intelligence officials.

    Isaaq Hassan, who was washing cars near the blast, said he saw about a half dozen bodies lying in the street afterward.

    No official was immediately available to provide casualty figures.

    A journalist who was wounded in the blast while sitting in a nearby restaurant said several people inside the restaurant were injured.

    The militant group al-Shabab has continued to carry out terror attacks in Somalia's capital since being pushed out of Mogadishu in late 2011. No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack.

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    Cyprus delays vote on deposit levy

    NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Cyprus' parliamentary vote on a levy on bank deposits has been postponed by a day until Tuesday evening.

    Yiannakis Omirou, the speaker of parliament, said Monday the delay is needed to give the government time to amend an international bailout deal agreed on last week.

    That deal includes a levy on bank deposits as a condition of rescue loans. The Cypriot government is now trying to modify the deal to lower the burden on small savers with less than €100,000 in the bank.

    The modification must be approved by the other eurozone finance ministers before the Cypriot parliament can vote on it.

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